Discover the Possibilities
“Phil unlocked a lot of things I would have never thought of, then created the before my eyes.”
— Veronica Nixon, Cartographer at Desert Botanical Gardens
“Phil displays and exuberance and a sense of wonder that’s paired with focus and intelligence.”
— Matthew Ellenwood, Voice Instructor at Ellenwood Studios
“Phil encouraged us to take risks by letting vulnerability be in the room.”
— Suzanne Bennett, Visual and Performing Arts Professor
“I am so impressed by Phil’s creativity, intellect, and innovative approach. It’s been a breath of fresh air!”
— Judith L. Lyon, Ph.D., a Retired Academician and Management Consultant
"When I watched what Phil had made, it was the first time I saw how my brain works"
— Alyssa Adams, Ph.D. Astrobiologist at University of Madison-Wisconsin
"Phil communicates and leads with such dedication and facility - such a skilled listener."
— Jessica Cerullo, Director at the Michael Chekhov Institute